16 April 2011
"Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birtday To Abg Kamal,
Happy Birthday To You"
weeee akhirnya hari yang abg tunggu muncul jugak kn?
skrg ni abg dh berusia 25 thn so xleh nk bskp bdk2 lg
hehheehe.. abg bdk2 ke?
xdelah *just kidding*
senyumlah sikit abg
jauhnya abg kat Korea kan?
if not bolehlah celebrate bday abg dgn adk
abg... adk rindu abg
balik lah malaysia cepat2
rasa lama xde berita tentang abg
miss u so much abg
di hari bermakna utk abg ni
adk ucapkan
hopefully pasni abg success dlm kerjaya abg
adk nk tgk abg blakon lg
adk rindu lakonan abg
walau apapun yg blaku adk sentiasa sokong abg
abg ada kejutan utk abg
khas utk abg
cantik x adk buat?
abg blk nanti tuntut hadiah dari adk yer
adk sentiasa sayangkan abg
As we grow older
As we continue to change with age,
There is one thing that will never change.
Adk always keep loving u.
have a great day abg
a brother is a little piece of childhood that can't ever be lost
im so glad that God gave ne a brother like you
cpt2 blk sini
syg abg ;)
hepi bornday too..