Sunday, November 20, 2011

not everything can make me smile :')

sometimes we :1: to hide :13:
sometimes we :face42: to hide :face29:

people see we happy
but inside deep heart?
people see we laughing
but behind the smile?
people only see the happier face
but did anyone asking what truly we facing
*english aku makin teruk nmpk gayanya*
akhir2 ni byk yg btnya kat aku
knp aku myendiri?
ntahlah aku lg suka bdiam diri
aku xde jwpn utk semua psoalan yg bermain di kepala
hnya seseorg je yg dpt mngembirakan hati aku
klu aku ssh hati aku tgk gmbr dia
klu aku resah aku tgk senyumannya
stiap pg aku happy dgn msg2 dia
dia je yg mampu mbuat hati aku tubat

Happy birthday to my mum.. i love u mum... sorry x dpt nk celebrate hrni :face47:

SMILE! Thankz for reading =)

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Dah baca? Bolehlah tinggalkan komen sikit yer ^_^